September calendar of events
There's a lot going on at the library, and most programs and events can be found on the Oakland Public Library web site. Thanks to Emily...

Animals at the library? You bet!
When was the last time you saw animals at a library? Was it a library at the zoo? Or maybe a puppy tied up outside the library's doors?...
The library is (re)OPENED!
The library opened it's doors last week without much fanfare, but with a memorable first patron. Here's what librarian Emily Weak had to...
Where’s your Rockridge Librarian?
If you haven’t noticed, the Rockridge Library is currently closed while it receives a much-needed spiffing up. When it re-opens in early...

100 books that changed lives
Librarians field all sorts of questions throughout the day, and one such question from a young patron recently spawned much spirited...

If you dream of biking to the library...
Whether you ride a bike or dream of owning one, the Oakland Public Library has what you need. Amazing but true, the library is kicking up...
What's happening with other OPL branches
Hi! I attended the Friends of Oakland Public Library meeting on April 30th at the Melrose Branch. Many OPL branches were represented by...

Two (count 'em!) articles in the Rockridge News
April was a heady month for library-related news, and yes, we admit our ears were burning when the Rockridge News hit the neighborhood!...
The Library is Getting a Face Lift!
As spiffy as we all think the library is, some planned maintenance will necessitate a closure to allow for electrical, painting, and...

A New Way to Look at the Newberys
Lights, camera, action! The 90-Second Newbery Film festival, where kids craft short films to showcase their creative take on Newbery...