You can make a difference!
The Friends of the Rockridge Library (FORL) funds materials and programs for the Rockridge branch, and the Oakland Public Library at large, which are not covered by the City of Oakland budget. We rely on community support to make this happen.
Please consider making a donation to the Friends of the Rockridge Library, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, fueled by volunteers and community support. You can make a secure, tax-deductible donation using a credit card HERE,
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Write a check payable to FORL and send to:
Friends of the Rockridge Library
Post Office Box 3723
Oakland, CA 94609
Your donations provide funding for programs, circulated materials, improvements to facilities, and more. What we fund varies from year to year depending on the Oakland City budget and what librarians and staff need to support our growing and diverse community. Here are some examples:
Reading chairs
WiFi hotspots
Snacks and games for teens
Carpentry workshops
Author talks
Large print materials
Teen writing programs
Newspaper subscriptions
If you'd like to receive occasional updates on the Friends, sign up for the Friends Email Newsletter.